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“The CJ Morgan Show is funny, random and weird, making it great entertainment for your drive home – or into the void. It’s a bit of a cosmic gumbo. Though it has never won an award, the has many framed items you can look at (mostly of him) in his office near the docks. Fun is an understatement. We have fun here. Blop blop!” -AI ChatBo

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Chillville is back! Our chillout, downtempo electronic, acoustic, and smart pop show returns to its Sunday morning slot. Every week we’ll guide you into the rest of your weekend with the perfect mix of songs to help you…chill. Hosted by Monty and occasionally CJ Morgan!

The Woody Show
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Professional underdogs on @iheartradio with a PhD in Savagery. Morning Radio in 30+ cities & 175 countries on AFN! Call us or text us @ 22987