Nick and Emily’s Easter Weekend

Emily dressing up for ren faire and Nick's family Easter Bunny

Easter traditions are always a fun thing to chat about on the Morning X, mainly because no one here goes for your basic type of celebration. Nick’s family is notorious for celebrating on a Saturday rather than on the actual holiday itself. This year they decided to change out the Easter Bunny’s costume and well, it is still as terrifying as the original. There’s no such thing as a friendly-looking person in a costume, right?


Emily’s A Moss Person

For Emily’s Easter this year, she decided to go dress up in the woods with a bunch of nerds. Yeah, we mean the Ren Faire. She did a great job on her costume but she is now worried, will she eventually become one of THEM?!


Voice Memo Guy

Who is worse: people who want to talk on the phone or voice memo senders? Emily is becoming a bit annoyed at her friend for only wanting to send her voice memos. Sometimes a text would be fine, no need to send a recording of you talking!



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