DQA: Do Gas Stations Ever Close?

Gas station lit up at night with an "open" sign. Photo from Shutterstock

It’s Dumb Question Amnesty, where the questions you’re too afraid to ask as an adult are finally answered. For the safety of all the world’s nighttime drivers, Emily poses today’s Dumb Question Amnesty, when do gas stations close exactly? Do they close? Why is this not taught in schools?



Morning X Burning Question: Are Cheater’s Bad?

In a segment definitely not based on one of Emily’s friends, today we bravely ask, Are Cheaters Bad?
…We should clarify. Obviously, cheating is bad, but are cheaters inherently bad people? Do good people make such a mistake? Most of our viewers say yes, why do you think that is? Let us know on Twitter @101xMorningX!



Meeting the parents.

Emily’s Meeting Her Boyfriend’s Parents! Thing is, she’s worried. She’s the rock n’ roll radio DJ girlfriend with the split dyed hair, and the parents are notably conservative…



Do Nick My News?

In a turn that will shock the century, Nick will be presenting today’s edition of Don’t Nick That News! To lighten Emily’s workload, Nick has taken on the duty of finding an uplifting story to brighten your day, and the results speak for themself! It seems the usual pessimistic narcissist Nick really has turned over a new leaf.




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