Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts Are Under Attack

​Shelf with boxes of Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts. Image provided by Shutterstock.

Death to the brown sugar cinnamon Pop-Tart! Nick wages war on the nasty flavor while Emily feels the need to defend the Pop-Tart she was actually allowed to eat growing up. Even though they seem to be everywhere and eaten by everyone, are they liked? Does anybody actually prefer them, or are they just there as a last resort for those that need a quick and easy breakfast? Let us know what your favorite Pop-Tart flavor is on Twitter @101xMorningX.


Vote on next week’s Morning X Burning Question and tune in on Monday to hear the final results!


Nick’s Getting a Party Boat

In a rare moment of optimism, Nick has decided he will try and pack a party barge with him and his friends. The only problem is that Nick isn’t sure what you need on a boat to make it fun. Do you need a beer? Music? What incentives are required to make sure Nick leaves with friends and also comes back with them?


Dear Redacted

Nick has a bone to pick with an unnamed person (Emily) in this dear redacted. She claims Nick has gotten her sick, but he argues that she has always had a cough for as long as he has known her. What starts as Nick telling his grievance turns into the cohost simply pointing their fingers at one another.


Dumb Question Amnesty

Should you stop to help a turtle in the middle of the road? While the question may seem obvious, both Nick and Emily seem to be conflicted on what exactly the right thing to do is. Help the wild animal, or leave it to its potential fate?


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