Nick is Already Killing His Beloved Plant

Nick's dying corn plant.

Nick’s plant is already dying. Frankly, we’re not super shocked, but Emily has some words about Nick’s treatment of the poor thing. At first, it sounds like Nick isn’t necessarily doing anything wrong, but wait till you hear about his watering habits.


Summer PSA

Don’t wear flip-flops and drive! Emily wants to warn all of you out there if you are going to take a dip in Barton Springs, it is better to drive barefoot than with your toe thongs. Emily and her boyfriend got rear-ended by a driver who did just that. This is your warning!


Burning Question: 30% Smarter, or 90% Hotter?
In today’s Morning X Burning question, a most pondering mathematical conundrum has befallen us. To what would be of comparative advantage, a 90% increase in conventional attractiveness, or a 30% increase in the efficiency of one’s mental faculties? Writing that sentence was not fun, maybe Nick has a point in his choosing of attractiveness over smarts. Most of our listeners chose smarts over looks, why do you think that is? Let us know on Twitter @101xMorningx!


Elephant Yoga
In today’s Don’t Nick My News, Emily has found a story about elephants doing yoga in Houston. Nick, a vocal advocate for yoga, is surely going to fail in his downplaying of this one, right? …right?


This elephants crow pose is better than ours 😳 #yoga #yogi #elephant #zoo

♬ original sound – Chron


Also, a bonus video of Nick attempting a handstand! Viewer discretion is advised.



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