WTF Wednesday: Australia’s Tones And I Is On Fire

Tones And I


Despite the name, Tones And I is actually a solo act starring Toni Watson, who was busking in Melbourne and sleeping in a van between stops there and upcountry in Byron Bay as recently as spring, ’18, per her Instagram. Flash forward to the summer of ’19 and the just-turned-nineteen-year-old’s new “Dance Monkey”, already a #1 song in four countries, is among the world’s–and Austin’s–most-streamed songs.  Here’s the official video:



And just to underscore the fact that Tones And I is teenaged and female, here’s her July performance of the song at Oz’ biggest fest, Splendour In The Grass:  



“Dance Monkey” will be included on debut EP The Kids Are Coming, out this weekend. To date, Tones And I hasn’t played North America just yet, and except for a weeklong European jaunt this November, isn’t set to leave Oceania anytime soon. WTF?!


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