Dreaming of Godsmack

Jason Sleeping On Couch Dreaming Of Godsmack

Both Jason and Deb had some pretty strange dreams last night. In Jason’s dream he was hired to emcee a private charity event, where he had to introduce the band, Godsmack.  Later in his dream, for some reason, Godsmack was supposed to be introduced again, and this time the lead singer of the band Default was the one to do so. This made Jason worry he was going to lose his job, which in the dream, paid him $25,000. In Deb’s dream she met the literal man of her dreams at a Prince concert and managed to convince him to leave the girl he was with for Deb.  Dream guy told Deb he just had to drop off that girl and they could be together.  But before he got back, Deb somehow ended up talking to Prince, who invited her back to his place.  Obviously she ended up having sex with Prince. Later on, she dreamed that both her and Jason were in jail for unknown crimes. So there you go amateur dream sleuths, tell us what those mean.


That Guy:

This week’s That Guy is someone that Jason never thought would be on his list, Intern Jenna/Katy. Last week when talking about his Bumblina, Katy asked if he had any pictures of her. After seeing one, Katy hit him with “Whoa, she’s actually hot!” This wasn’t the only time this has happened to him, and he’s starting to get fed up with it.  Don’t be Hey This Girl You’re Dating Is Hot Guy. Jason can totally hook up with hot chicks too!


Deb’s QB Cuties 

The video of Deb’s NFL QB rankings is out!


I Love You Call:

Today Deb called Alternative Therapies Group, a medical marijuana dispensary in Salem, MA. She told them she was visiting from England where weed isn’t legal and asked if they sold to the public. They told her as long as she had a valid passport and was over 21 the could totally hook her up with that sticky icky.  The man who Deb talked to was extremely kind and when she said “I love you” he told her he loved her too! Dank!



A recent study has discovered that Americans spend an average of 90 minutes on their computer daily. 

Surgeons in the UK managed to save a man’s severed hand by attaching it to his groin. (NSFW: DON’T CLICK IF YOU’RE SQUEAMISH!)

The Popeyes chicken sandwich was so popular that it’s now sold out. The restaurant chain says it will be back soon and a permanent menu item. 



Rob Gronkowski had an emotional moment describing his decision to retire after being injured in Super Bowl LIII. He now has his own CBD company with products for pain relief. 

USC will recognize OJ Simpson’s jersey during their season opener but not Reggie Bush’s.

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