Hookers For Incels

deb butt massage

Deb’s neck has been hurting so she went to go see Mr. Ron the Buttman a sports massage therapist. He’s been working on her neck the past few weeks and hopefully, this massage will do the trick! But Deb asked him when he isn’t massaging who does he go to for a massage. He told her that there is one place he frequents but had an odd experience the last time he went. At this place, you can have 2 massage therapists working on you at the same time. Apparently, toward the end of the massage, one of the masseuses gestured toward his nether regions asking if he wanted a happy ending. He declined as he is a happily married man but was surprised because that hadn’t happened to him before! Deb was shocked that had happened in Austin! She also wondered why you would need 2 people involved in a happy ending. Jason informed her that 4 hands were definitely possible. Thanks, Jason we’ll keep that in mind for future reference. Deb thinks this could be a business; hookers for incels, so everyone can have a happy ending! 


Wedding/Child Debate 

Deb started watching this trashy marriage show on Netflix. So far she’s loving it for the drama but thinks there is one aspect that’s ridiculous. Most of the people on the show already have a child and are getting married after having kids together. In the show, couples seem extremely nervous about getting married. Deb is confused because they already have the biggest commitment together which is having a child! Why would you be so nervous about something that is “forever” when you already have a child together?! Shouldn’t you be already in it forever if you have a child? Deb doesn’t get it but apparently, enough people do for it to be a Netflix show!


Jason and Deb Review Things 

In the nineteenth episode of our new series, Jason & Deb review novelty flavored candy canes.  A few months back we did a news segment about kale-flavored candy canes and Producer Katy’s dad sent us some other “interestingly” flavored candy canes.  We decided to wait for the Christmas season before we gave them a try.  So enjoy us trying some pizza, pickle, bacon, and mac and cheese candy canes. Bon Appetit!



Twitter released a list of the most tweeted about of 2019. 

Clint Eastwood was on Ellen and talked about how squirrels will come to hang out in his office. 

A survey of the most popular White Elephant practices was released. 



The Philadelphia Eagles are tied for 1st place in the NFC East. 

The Cowboys released their kicker, Brett Maher while he was visiting sick children in the hospital. 

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