Deb Visits An Austin Landmark

Deb visits an Austin landmark.

San Antonio Guy has a friend in town for work, so he and Deb decided to play tour guide and take him to an Austin landmark. Before we continue with the rest of the story, based on the photos can you guess where it is?


Deb visits an Austin landmark.


Deb assumed even as a lifelong Austinite that Jason has never been. Turns out, he has and remembers the strenuous hike to the “something pool”. If you have never been, it’s the Hamilton Pool natural swimming hole. After being clogged with traffic, now you have to make a reservation weeks in advance. It’s a hot commodity so it’s all booked over the weekend all the way until September, but Deb has seen it both with more beach and filled with water and it’s definitely worth the planning and hike. 


Deb and her San Antonio Guy visit an Austin landmark.


Today we called Pour Cleveland in Cleveland, OH to see if Deb can get them to say I Love You Too. Deb explained she was in town for work and wanted to come in for a bite to eat and some coffee. Pour Cleveland had Wi-Fi, muffins and Cleveland bagels for Deb to try. Despite the “negative” connotation Cleveland has, Deb was exited to learn and try all things local, but too bad the feeling wasn’t mutual and she got butt-slammed.



Are You Smarter Than Jason Dick- Listen to today’s what the kids are into trivia on the 6AM podcast.

Rotten Tomatoes Game- How do you like them tomatoes? Play along and listen on the 7AM podcast.

Does Deb Know Stuff- Listen to today’s ‘Austin Powers’ trivia on the 9AM podcast.



A guy in Washington accidentally shot himself in the genitals, and during surgery and weeks later drugs were found in his rectum.

Tom Hanks was denied a beer at the Stagecoach festival, even after offering bartenders tickets to ‘Toy Story Four’.

Burger King posted a tweet yesterday alluding to paying off a user’s student loan debt.



The Cowboys are reportedly negotiating a $30 million per contract with Dak Prescott.

The NFL announces the that Cleveland will host the NFL Draft in 2021 and the 2023 draft will be in Kansas City.

Retired defensive end Chris Long says he used marijuana during his career and thinks the NFL should allow its use.

The NFL bans three drills including the Oklahoma drill that causes detrimental injury to players.

Kevin Durant’s latest online feud is with FOX sports analyst Chris Broussard.


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