The Instagram Ads Got Deb

Instagram On A Phone

Deb doesn’t normally give into Instagram suggested advertisements, but she was looking for a new duvet and saw the most perfectly-plush duvet online. This time, she avoided the downpour of more suggested ads and checked out through Google, but of course she was reeled in with another item and she just had to buy an Instagram top. Her online duvet purchase still isn’t in, but she’s not worried because she knows exactly when it will shipped. Unfortunately, she can’t say the same for her top from Instagram which will arrive TBD. Maybe Jason can give her some tips since he is an Instagram shopping pro. That photo of a bag of money in his kitchen is all thanks to an Instagram ad. Hopefully Deb’s top comes in sometime this year.



Jason tried to go for a swim the other day, but he was unable to bear the unknown substance in his pool, and he says it is gross. Will his pool be back to perfect condition before his big Labor Day bash? Deb asked for photos to help determine the unknown substance, but the details are still pending.



As we’ve heard and seen from all of the priceless Instagram photos and videos, Deb welcomed a new cat into her household. With George’s arrival, she originally had his litter box in her bedroom but although he’s just a tiny kitty-cat, he’s been leaving behind some big messes. Deb moved George’s litter box to the guest bathroom, and wondered if with the move, she could start getting him potty trained. He was already trained before he was adopted, and Deb has heard of many other people putting litter boxes near or under toilets to get their kittens trained. Deb wondered what she would have to do, and she even took to the listeners for some cat-pertise. Mr. George may be a little young to start know, but we’re sure he’ll be going into and flushing toilets in no time.  



Today we called Whiteway Pet Shop in New Jersey to see if Deb could get them to say I Love You Too. Deb carried her cat questions to the call, and asked if they had something to help potty train or if the associate had any experience with training cats. Whiteway Pet Shop said they’ve only ever seen kitty litter potty training kits only online. They did have the some great kitty litter and other new cat supplies to offer Deb, but they were just all out of love for Deb today.



Are You Smarter Than Jason Dick

Whose Tweet Is It Anyways 

Does Deb Know Stuff



Would you like to hang with Austin celebrities Jason and Deb, and need an internship for the fall semester? We are looking for new interns on the show! You have to be in school and must receive college credit to be eligible. That’s It! E-mail to apply.


Photo Credit: Getty Images 


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