Here, There Be Spoilers!


Big news! We’re now live on your radio all the way until noon.  You can still get us on your smart home assistant listening box thing (just tell Alexa and Google to play Jason and Deb). Or you can just download the 101X app on your phone and stream us from there!  And there’s always the good old podcast.


Massey’s Mind Blowers

Recently Deb finished watching Black Sails on Hulu.  It’s basically a prequel to Treasure Island and if you’re a fan of pirates or boobs you should check it out.  But, we nearly lost Deb for half the show today after Listener Massey hit her with a crazy theory about the show’s ending.  She literally couldn’t wait until she got home to rewatch the final episode, and had it up on her laptop during songs and commercial breaks. Spoiler warning for a show that ended two years ago, but you can hear us talking with Massey about it at the very end of today’s podcast if you want know what left Deb reeling.


C Of The Week

Speaking of TV shows, Deb’s C of the Week was everyone judging Deb on her TV tastes.  Deb has been on the record about not liking mockumentary-type TV shows like the Office and Parks and Rec. (Don’t @ her) and is also not a fan of most cartoons.  Even ones clearly for adults like Bojack Horseman.  And that’s totally fine. Sometimes she even breaks her own rules.  She loved Into the Spider-verse and the Iron Giant.  As Producer Nick said, you just have to enjoy the times when Deb’s choices in shows line up with yours and don’t worry if she doesn’t like something you do.


Hot Nugget Sauce Takes

Wendy’s is giving out free nuggets today, and even though Jason won’t be partaking thanks to his weight-loss odyssey, that didn’t stop him from judging everyone’s sauce choices.  According to the Dickman if you dip your nuggets in BBQ sauce, you’re doing it wrong.  A proper nugget sauce is some kind of mustard.  Either the hot or the honey variety.  And don’t even get him started on creamy ranch.  Tweet @JasonAndDeb and let us know what is your go to nugget sauce.


I Love You Call

As a sign of the times, we’ve pivoted the I Love You Call from calling random business to calling your loved ones who might need an extra boost in these trying times.  Today we called listener Kriz’ friend Juan.  Kriz actually got turned onto our show by his friend before Juan moved to Georgia and stopped listening to us.  (Come on Juan, you can stream us live or download our podcast)  But Juan got a huge thrill from hearing Deb’s voice and we ended up feeling like we really got to know another super fan of the show. Awww.

Check it out below and if you’ve got someone you think needs some extra love these days, let us know!


Daily Morale Boosters

Saturday Night Live is doing another at-home episode.   Also Parks And Rec is returning for a special episode.

A new study claims the coronavirus can’t be transmitted by sperm.

Just some dogs getting down with a hose bath.


Daily Jason And Deb

We also got a really fantastic update from Producer Katy on her dad’s fight with Covid 19.  Keep kicking ass Billy!



Since donations of food from grocery stores and manufactures are way down, the Central Texas Food Bank is having to purchase way more food than usual.  Currently your donations are being matched by three generous local families, so if you can, donate today! 


Show Us Your Mask

Speaking of Coronavirus, since we’re all going to be wearing masks for the foreseeable future, we thought we might as well try to have fun with it and let everyone show off their masks.  Send us a pic of yours to and we’ll throw it up there too.


Sex Bracket

Monday morning is the deadline to get your brackets in.  Winner gets a pair of ACL wristbands.

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