Quarantine Meatloaf

cjs covid cooking meatloaf

Welcome to COVID cooking with CJ. Today we are going to make meatloaf from what you probably have around the house.

[also try my queso and crab cakes]

Here is how!


  • Ketchup
  • Old Bread
  • Butter
  • Sugar
  • Seasoning  Sauce
  • Hotdogs



-Grab the entire loaf and put it on a baking sheet. You’re gonna want the bread to be a little stale so it’s firm.
-Cut up some hot dogs into really tiny pieces. Use your finger to poke holes in the loaf every few inches and put some hot dog meat in the middle.
-Then you gotta make your sauce. Mix water, melted butter or Crisco, small leaves, salt, pepper and sugar inside a mostly full ketchup bottle.  Shake it up  then squirt it all over the bread.
-Bake at 400 for 20 minutes. Or until it smells okay.

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