Crazy Car Salesmen Needs To Sell These Cars

cj morgan carsaleman

Back in 2011 I was saddled down by two piece of shit cars that I could not sell. One, a 2000 Cavalier I bought from my parents in 2007. The vehicle was fine at first but then the A/C went out, burglars smashed the window, and I stopped caring for it.

Once that car was run into the ground I bought a 2001 Saturn for cash. Same story (essentially) different car. So here I am with two junkers in my driveway that I can not sell for even a few hundred bucks. What did I do to finally get rid of them?

Well, like any marketing expert might, I made a viral video. Within 24-hours of the second video being released I sold both of the cars!


The Captain’s Auto Sales


The Wizard’s Auto Sales


El Capitan’s Auto Sales


Tried it again a few years later (didn’t work)…


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