Did You Know? Star Wars Edition

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Original theatrical versions cannot be purchased

Every release has been altered including the original films so that it could include better effects not available at the time. “Better” effects…

It took three hours to film the “In A Galaxy Far Away” opening

The effect was created using a camera slowly passing over two-foot wide yellow letters on a six-foot black background.

“I have a bad feeling about this” is in every movie

The expression was first uttered by Luke Skywalker in A New Hope, said the most by Han and even most recently by BB-8 in The Last Jedi.

“I am your father” was kept a secret from everyone

The “I am your father” line was in the script as “Obi-Wan killed your father”. Everyone believed this (even though Darth Vader means dark father) except for Mark Hammill who was told moments before shooting.

Warwick Davis got his start because R2-D2 was sick

Kenny Baker (R2-D2,) was also meant to play Wicket the Ewok but got sick the day he was supposed to shoot his Ewok scenes. Warrick Davis grandmother responded to a radio ad and the young man was cast.

Ewok is never spoken out loud

The furry heroes are a major feature (for some reason) in Return of the Jedi. However, no characters actually say the term “Ewok”. It does appear in the credits.

Yoda, The Cookie Monster and Miss Piggy are the same person

They were all voiced by Frank Oz

Kurt Russel not Harrison Ford was going to play Han Solo

Ford was brought in to read lines to other actors and his delivery convinced Lucas to give him the part.

James Earl Jones spent one day as Darth Vader

The iconic voice of the sith lord was knocked out by Jones in a few hours.

Tupac as Mace Windu…

Tupac Shakur said he read for the role with George Lucas but the part was ultimately given to Samuel L. Jackson.

Alan Rickman also auditioned for the role of an Imperial Officer

Snape would have been the officer on the Death Star II who greets Vader and says: “we’ll double our efforts” but the role was cut down and went to someone else.

E.T.’s People are in Star Wars

The Asogians were represented in the Galactic senate and can be seen in The Phantom Menace.

Revenge of the Sith set the Record for Special Effects

900 artists spent over 70,000 hours creating less than a minute footage for the Mustafar duel alone.

Porgs Exist to Cover-up a Shooting Location Issue

The Porgs found on Ahch-To were conceived as a solution to the feather problem created by the real-life Puffin’s living on location at the shoot.

James Bond was a Stormtrooper in The Force Awakens

Daniel Craig had a cameo as the Stormtrooper Rey tries and then succeeds in using the force on.

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