Miles Viking Funeral

miles funeral

I am well aware of how ridiculous the notion of a Viking funeral for a little wiener dog is. That being said, I wanted to honor my special little Prince and put on a show for all of the people who loved and supported him. Miles probably had a better ceremony than any future wedding or funeral I will ever take part in (if only it didn’t fall on the hottest day of 2017). Hopefully it was weird, moving, and meaningful for all of those who attended or watched the videos. 

MEDIA INCLUDES: a short tribute film composed by Ty Crull & Daniel Rice, professional photos taken by Berenice Guzman, an amateur video of the ceremony shot by Zach Harrow, amateur photos taken by all of you, and Miles’ backstory.


Photos By Berenice Guzman

Miles Viking Funeral


Miles Viking Funeral

Spectator Photos From Miles Viking Funeral



Miles and CJ met in 2007. He was a fantastic wiener dog racer, snuggler, toy destroyer, and family protector.

Like many dachshunds, he fell victim to intervertebral disc disease. In 2011, his disc rupture unexpectedly while sunbathing outside. He was rushed to a nearby vet who performed emergency surgery. Though the procedure saved his life, it left Miles without use of his back legs.

That’s when Miles and CJ became even better best buds! Due to his anxiety, bladder control, and spinal issues, Miles had to be cared for 24-7. He went with CJ to work everyday, came with him to events, and slept next to him every night.

In the summer of 2015, and early 2016 the discs in Miles neck began to act up and he required further surgery. Thanks to the people of Austin and KLBJ’s listeners, most of the costly procedures were covered through crowd funding. Miles again began to have neck issues in April of 2017 and after much treatment a difficult decision was made.

Miles leaves behind a father, a bunch of toys, some dog beds, a few blankets, multiple scars from biting, and large number of humans he called friends!

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