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baileys new jacket 101x phantogram

Every Friday on the CJ Morgan Show, the gang brings something to share with the class. Will anything top the Berlin Wall? Check our recent shares below and share your own @cjmorganshow on insta or text us 512-835-1015.

After a recent viral video, CJ brought in his dog collection. Are Pogs back? According to our sponsored posts they are (or will be).

cjs pog collection 101x Austin

Spenny found his stuffed animal from when he was a baby.

Spencer bb childhood bunny

Bailey bought a jacket at the Phantogram concert. How much do you think she paid?

phantogram Bailey jacket 101x

CJ has a keychain seatbelt cutter and window breaker incase he gets trapped in his car.

2-in-1 Emergency Keychain Car Escape Tool, CJ Morgan, 101x Austin
CJ found a small bag in a chest underneath his bed. It contained a photo and piece of the Berlin Wall that had been sent to his grandmother in 1989 by her brother who was living in the area at the time. The small “x” on the photo denotes where he plucked the chunk out of the wall.
Berlin Wall cj Morgan 101x
Berlin Wall cj Morgan 101x
Berlin Wall cj Morgan 101x Berlin Wall cj Morgan 101x

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