The Top Ten Strokes Songs


There is nothing more exciting the ranking someone’s art in the form of a shitty click-bait list. We have done The Killers and Weezer thus far and now it is time to fight over another classic 101X Alternative artist: The Strokes (who just won their first Grammy award).  I also asked the 101X staff to weigh in with their thoughts (and prayers).

15) Bad Decisions

Bad Decisions is the big radio hit from The Strokes Grammy award winning New Abnormal so it makes sense to start the list off with this one. -CJ




13) Juicebox

“Juicebox” Love that cranked up Peter Gunn-like intro.   See my thoughts on “Reptilia” re the rest of the song.  Julian doesn’t ruin it for me, as he sometimes can.  -Lawless


12) 12:51


11) Call it Fate, call it Karma

dang ole 3 songs off the newest album and not a single one off Comedown Machine? –Sawyer Stull, Comedian 


10) Ode to the Mets


9) Under Cover of Darkness

Remember when people stormed the gates for the Strokes at auditorium shores that one SXSW? I remember thinking “wtf, yall rioting for these guys?” -Jason Dick


8) Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is my fav it reminds me high school… my ten year reunion is next year and I’m gonna force it on the playlist. -Momo, Nights 7-12m

Maybe a hot take… But Machu Picchu. Great way to kick off an album after 5 years of no new album. Julian does more angry high stuff and the chorus fucks hard plus the guitar tag at the end of each chorus jams so hard. -Ian Green, Guitarist, Nãne


7) The Adults Are Talking

This is their top ranked song on Spotify so that has to mean something, right? -CJ


6) You Only Live Once

First off, picking ONLY three tracks is a lil torturous pero here we go, tried my best picking from different albums… The original YOLO. Love the beginning, middle and end of this track. Hearing this song brings me back to my childhood, and I think that’s why I adore it so much. I also cried when I watched the music video for the first time, and I think that’s influential enough to add this song to the list. I was 10 so don’t judge. -Vivi, Digital Content Producer


5) Someday

Is This It, This Modern Love , Someday. Definitely Someday -Eric Guerrero, Digital Sales Assistant


4) Heart in a Cage

This song rules so I ranked it really high. -CJ


3) Reptilia

I don’t know why. It’s not really much different from any Strokes song, but there’s something about that guitar figure that gits in mah head. And I like Julian screaming more than Julian droning. And man, he does drone. -Lawless, Program Director, 10a-2p

I voted for Reptilia because it was the one I liked the most of the three we don’t play the shit out of. -Nick, Jason Dick AF Producer and Friend

First song I *think* ever heard from The Strokes, or it just stuck with me, and I immediately fell in love. This track brings me back to the year ’05, 10-years-old, re-watching the music video over and over again on Fuse with my sisters. We couldn’t get enough of it. Plus, that music video’s pretty rad if you ask me. -Vivi 


2) Hard To Explain

Dumb reason: that goddamn Freelance Hellraiser mashup of it and Christina’s “Genie In A Bottle” is the very best of its genre. Bein’
straight with you, I always leaned waaaayyy more Interpol than Strokes in terms of turn-of-the-century NYC indie. -Lawless

Love this song and agree with Lawless as far as the NYC Indie Interpol love. Anyhow, many lists rank this one as their best but I wouldn’t go that far. -CJ


1) Last Nite

Gimmie Last Night bc that’s about as deep as my Strokes knowledge goes. I didnt really get into that whole 2001 “lets pretend its the 70s again” vibe. Last Night has a nice long instrumental intro and outro which was great for a young jibber jabbery Jason Dick trying to make his way as a 101x weekend overnight DJ. -Jason Dick

Another iconic track with a badass music video. Albert dropping the mic stand on Fab’s drum set is *chef’s kiss*. I’ve heard the album Is This It about 100 times and this song is just one of my favorites on there. Blast this track in your car and you’ll understand why it’s one of my favorites. -Vivi

 Last Nite goes off forever and always!! -Momo

For me, this was the song that started it all. Also takes me back to my college radio days and playing this during my morning show whilst being hungover and tired from whatever it was I did last night. -CJ


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