CJ Morgan Show Podcast Recap 6/21 – Heckler Humiliation, Flight Risk, Say Less, Italian Hair, Hawk Tuah

Podcast Recap header 6/21 CJ morgan Show 2024

The Podcast recap is here!


LAST FRIDAY Heckler Humiliation | 06.14

Friday’s special guest is comedian Steph Tolev, who you might know from Bill Burr’s recent special, as well as his film Old Dads. She shares the story of how she put a heckler in his place at one of her stand up shows.

Also, CJ worries that he discusses his tummy troubles too much with too many people, Matt can’t believe that he’s giving a specific recommendation for this weekend, and Spenny is delighted by a new term that CJ has invented for sperm. (Steph got her own blog post)

MONDAY Flight Risk | 06.17

Today the gents discuss the most annoying habits of flying travelers.

CJ hates when people call their pets “fur babies”, Matt says you spend less money when you use cash instead of plastic, and Spenny discovers the wonders of the world.

TUESDAY Say Less | 06.18

Science says humans communicate less efficiently when the temperature is above 80 degrees (Fahrenheit).

CJ is worried the show might get cancelled over some choice words he used recently, Matt is considering getting an above-ground pool, and Spenny loves Mountain Dew Baja Blast.


WEDNESDAY Italian Hair | 06.19

CJ has some ignorant thoughts about Italians.

Matt wants to visit a rare flower in London that smells like death, Spenny is fascinated by a study that reveals something interesting about women’s memories, and CJ is excited to crash his lover’s pool party this evening.


THURSDAY Hawk Tuah | 06.20

Spit on that thang.

Spenny gets embarrassed when singing a song, Matt learns about how our faces can help us earn friends, and CJ surveys his coworkers to see if they’d subscribe to his OnlyFans.

FRIDAY – 6/21

Tune in today from 3pm-7pm for the live episode and come back to 101x.com/cj for the full replay or follow CJ Morgan Show wherever you listen to Podcasts!

See you next week, Choogz!


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