10 Questions with Emily

emily morning x

Meet the newest member of our team and cohost of the Morning X – Emily!

1) How did you get into radio?

Well to be honest, I am what some might call a perfect example of being in the right place at the right time. Back in January of 2019, I was discovered at the UT Moody College of Communication’s Career Day and was later asked to join the Promotions team as an intern. My journey continued post-interning as I picked up different jobs around the office. You might have even met me at an event as a PC or even up at the front desk! I was later asked to be a guest on the morning show after covering for Rosa up front and then, BOOM! Magic was made.


2) When you turn off the mic and walk out the door, what do you do? What are your outside of work hobbies?

Now that I am fully vaxxed and ready to crawl out of my quarantine shell, I am ecstatic to get back into the concert-going scene. All throughout college I booked charity shows with local bands and worked at venues in the area. I LOVE a good opportunity to see music live. Besides that, I frequent anime and gaming conventions across the country and cosplay. It’s always fun to show people that nerdy side of my life!


3) Say something mean about the coworkers.

Wow, it’s not even been a week and I am already being asked to stir the pot. How about this… after being on almost a month’s worth of shows with Jason, I am convinced that the man gets dressed in the dark. Don’t get me wrong, I do show up in the occasional sweatpants sometimes since call is very early. What I am mainly talking about are his color combos. Teal, red, and grey?! Seriously? All together???


4) Leave this blank


5) Have you had any weird moments with listeners yet?

It hasn’t taken long but, yes… I matched with a guy on Hinge back in April and ghosted him after he started being weird. (Before you judge me, we only talked for a day so it was nothing.) I recently received a message from him over a month later that said “I’m sorry to circle back, but are you the Emily on 101x??” … I have yet to respond.


6) Who is your favorite caller and why?

I haven’t spoken to a caller yet but one of my favorite Twitter listeners so far is Bret with one T. He wants to party with me at the Trixie Mattel show at ACL and if all goes well it might happen!


7) What would you consider your musical tastes?

So not to be that person, but I do listen to a lot of different things. I grew up with my dad’s classic rock collection, transitioned to top 100 in middle school, had a very big indie and emo Tumblr phase throughout high school, switched to pretentious small bands and Drake in college, and now here I am listening to all of them at once.


8) What is your sign and do you believe in that crap?

I am a proud Taurus. We are supposedly very stubborn and the fact that I refuse to believe in any of these star things might be proving the Horoscope gods right. I still enjoy reading them though!


9) What do you ultimately see yourself doing in life?

This is very tough question for me to answer. Coming pretty fresh out of college, I am still very confused myself. Throughout my entire life, I knew that I enjoyed connecting with people. I have always found myself hanging around different groups of friends and chatting up strangers anywhere I go. Joining the Morning X has been such a whirlwind for me because I never imagined that I would be able to connect with people for a living and tell my funny stories to help start someone’s day. All I want to do in life is meet as many people as possible in the hopes of impacting them in some way and learning something from them as well. Whether that be through a face-to-face interaction or making someone laugh from a dumb radio comment, I am very happy to have the opportunity to start my journey through 101x! Awwwwww…


10) Why? (not related to the last question just “why” in general)

Why not (why not)

Take a crazy chance

Why not (why not)

Do a crazy dance

If you lose the moment

You might lose a lot


Why not, why not


-Hilary Duff

“Why Not” (2003)



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