Moz Enters Fifth Dimension, Joined By…Billie Joe Armstrong?!

wedding bell blues cover art

How is Morrissey rewarded for canceling tens of American shows? With a residency on Broadway, of course! Barring Moz springing other plans on ticketholders, a seven night NYC stand looms this May.  Perhaps those sets will be peppered with material from the Smiths frontman’s new collection of Sixties and Seventies hits out later that month.  California Son arrives 5/24, including cameos from Young The Giant’s Sameer Gadhia and Grizzly Bear’s Ed Droste–plus some oohs and aahhs from another alt rock legend who’s no stranger to The Great White Way, Billie Joe Armstrong. Hear the pair do their best Marilyn McCoo & Billie Davis, Jr. below, on Morrissey’s cover of The Fifth Dimension’s “Wedding Bell Blues”: 







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