Meet Matt Bearden, the hissing cockroach.
Okay, for clarity, it needs to be written that said cockroach is not actually human Matt Bearden (also known by associates as a hissing cockroach) but an actual Madagascar Hissing Cockroach.
The Houston Museum of Natural Science is hosting a fundraiser for Endless Love in which anyone can name a cockroach for Valentines. Naturally, someone who is totally not CJ Morgan decided to pony up the five bucks and name a Houston roach after an Austin one (and all for a good cause). Please do the same here!
“Name a roach in your Valentine’s (or Ex-Valentine’s) honor this year at the HMNS Museum Store. With each naming, you’ll receive an Endless Love enamel pin and a digital certificate for you to enter the roach’s name. Print it out, wrap it in a ribbon, and present it to your loved one (or shred it in memory of your ex).
There’s two things we’re sure will last forever; True Love and Roaches.”