Braidy Is Officially An O’Keefe!

Deb kissing her dog Braidy.

When Deb lost Blue Boy in November she couldn’t imagine ever loving another dog again. George helped Deb see her through hard times with Blue. Later, she picked up Alfie along the way and recently rescued Braidy.

Originally, Deb wasn’t sure if she would be the best mum for Braidy because as you know, peace is the number one priority in the O’Keefe household. She wanted to make sure Braidy would get along with the boys, but she also had reservations about Braidy’s interest in George. Thanks to Stand Up For Pits for sponsoring Braidy, Deb was able to make sure she had the best psychodiagnosis and treatment to be around Alfie and George. Even with George being king of the house, knowing how well they got along and how much Alfie loves her like a sister, Deb is sure it will make Alfie happy if Braidy stayed for good.Alfie and Braidy sleeping.

Over the weekend, Deb decided Braidy is officially an O’Keefe! We all called it, but now it is official. Deb hopes soon Braidy will feel like part of the family. She just wants Braidy to be comfy, learn to not be so timid around others as much as she can help, and ultimately embrace her home and love. Welcome, Ms. Braidy O’Keefe.


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