Could You Survive The Zombieverse?

three zombies

There’s a new Korean reality TV competition show on Netflix where people try to survive a simulated Zombie apocalypse. Do you think that you could win? Nick and Emily are convinced that they would at least not be the first to die. Although, we are impressed with Emily’s survival credentials.


Coffee Cup Test

Seems like interviews are getting more and more complicated these days. Now some a-hole has made up a “coffee cup test” that potential candidates are completely unaware of. Is this evil or a good test of someone’s morals? If you have ever been the victim (or perpetrator?) of this weird job-hiring tactic, let us know on Twitter @101xMorningX.


DQA: Barton Springs

Looks like those 100-degree days are going nowhere, which means that there is more time than ever to go visit one of the lovely water attractions that we have here in ATX. Nick wants to know though, what the hell do you do at Barton Springs? We let our trusty going-out host explain what to do at a watering hole.


Lost Dog Nick That News

In today’s lovely story, we wanted to feature a sweet Texas family who was reunited with their pup after 2 years! How can Nick mess this one up?


Bonus random Morning X Burning Question because we couldn’t resist adding today’s in this blog.


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