Dads, Football, and Bestiality

dog and human watching football

Three generations; Jason, Jason’s Dad, and Bumblito had some Bumbles bonding yesterday while cheering on America’s team. There were some heartwarming moments, life lessons to be taught, and a Cowboys team to be cheered on. Oh yeah, Nick was there too.


Dear Redacted

Beep, beep! Move before Nick Hajda tries to run you down with his weekly Dear Redacted take. Today our #1 friend sheds light on the cruelty of driveway honkers. If you are picking someone up, just send them a text! There’s no reason to disturb an innocent neighbor who is just trying to get his nightly medicinal smoke on.


Football is BACK!

It’s Friday, you know what that means? Sports talk with the one and only Dennis de la Pena. Emily’s more of a comment than a question was a good one today. Football is here, and we are ready to see all of Jason’s favorites make it all the way to the top!


We also tested out a new football-related game with our knowledgeable sports cohost, Emily. Tell us what you think by tweeting us @101xMorningX!


Pushing Jason’s Buttons

Normally it’s Jason who’s the master at pushing buttons, but now, thanks to the internet, you can push his.  OK, so it’s not exactly like the touch screen Jason uses, but it’s still all your favorite drops from the show available whenever you want!

Push Jason’s Buttons Here


You Don’t Need A Radio To Listen To Jason Dick And Friends

Don’t forget, you can listen to us on your smart home assistant box thing (just tell Alexa and Google to play Jason Dick And Friends). You can also stream us online or on your phone, OR just subscribe to our podcast.


This Is Not Good Video

While Nick was going through a classic middle child scenario, Emily was busy getting her cosplay on in San Antonio.

Watch more of our This Is Not Good Video videos here.


Daily Morale Boosters

First up, this is for all of you Matrix fans.


Next, this is for all of you Dexter fans. (Everyone cross your fingers that this will redeem that ending!)


And finally, this is for all of you anime fans. Click here for hot anime girls so you can prepare yourself for Ecchi Expo!

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