Deb Got A Bag of Ds!

deb and gummy dick

Deb got a peculiar anonymous package in the mail over the weekend and that mystery mail turned out to be a bag of “D’s”. Deb has no idea who sent her penis shaped candies, but she’s just relieved it wasn’t another bag of pubic hairs. If you remember, Deb received her first bag of D’s to the station, also anonymously in 2015. Whoever did this, Deb hopes you are satisfied because we all surely enjoyed your tasty prank.  


A Bag of D’s

1 of 3
Eat a bag of dicks with candy around it.
A mashed up piece of yellow, red and green candy.
Deb eating a piece of yellow candy.

  • Eat a bag of dicks with candy around it.
  • A mashed up piece of yellow, red and green candy.
  • Deb eating a piece of yellow candy.

Eat A Bag of D’s



Dog Chef Deb

Deb has been thinking about this for some time now, but she has officially become the lady who cooks her dogs fresh foods. After Braidy’s medical care was sponsored by Stand Up For Pits Foundation she was receiving fresh frozen meals from EmmaLou’s Kitchen. The dogs loved the meals and Deb loved how it cleaned out the pups. With Braidy’s recent health scares, Deb has been on edge with the animals lately, so she was inspired to prepare similar EmmaLou’s Kitchen inspired meals with quinoa, chicken and carrots for Alfie and Braidy. The meals are all organic and the food is pretty much human grade. Pet owners, what do you think? Have you ever tried home cooked foods or a fresh diet for your pets?

Stand Up For Pits Foundation benefits Pit Bull type dogs who have suffered from severe abuse and neglect. Visit their website to learn more about how you can donate in Braidy’s honor

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So now I guess I’m ‘that’ dog mum and I don’t even mind. Thanks to @emmalouskitchen for the amazing donation of their home cooked, pre prepared meals for Braidy when I first stole her. She was in bad shape and these amazing meals helped her tummy so much. Now I’m in the third month of taking care of Braidy I thought it was time I tried myself. It’s not bad! It’s a little time intensive but WELL worth it. Each time I do it I get better and quicker. And they like each batch more, and more importantly, their poops are solid and more healthy! Sorry to those of you that dont stress about their dog’s poo, but it’s in direct correlation of their gut health and that’s important to me! On another note, after Braidy’s couple of heartworm meds scares this past weekend, she seems to be doing well. We are EXACTLY two weeks away from her being given the all clear which will help my heart rate a lot! None of this is easy to do alone. (My bf has been out of town for work the last three weeks) but I know that there are many, many more people out there doing what I’m doing and more. So thank you for the support! And don’t forget, Braidy’s thousands of dollars of medical care is being sponsored by the incredible @standupforpitsfoundation and @rebeccacorry so I can’t be grateful enough. It’s doesn’t end here though. Your donations are what keep the foundation and their sponsorships going. PLEASE CHECK *link in bio* to donate. Braidy isn’t the only one who needs you… Thank you, and love you ❤️ #adoptdontshop #rescuedog #literally #fuckbreeders #homemadedogfood

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Tesla Ate My Phone!

In another episode of why do bad things always happen to Jason, the Tesla “ate his phone” on the way to work this morning. Jason normally puts his phone in the same compartment, but during this morning’s commute he heard something slide, and sure enough his phone is now deep in the bowels of the Tesla. Jason blames the flaw in the console design and ultimately Elon Musk for making Teslas hungry for iPhones. Out of all days, with planning Deb’s surprise, softball team organizing and the sports podcast, today was not the day. Any tips for Jason? He has been reeling all morning.


Deb’s Spooky TV

Calling all TV experts, Deb may have a ghost in her Blu-ray machine. Deb has a Blu-ray player, Direct TV and Apple TV all connected. After hours of hard work, she got it all wired so that everything turns on with a click of the remote. Usually if she needs electronic help, her San Antonio Guy, day time boyfriend and night time electric helper comes to the rescue, but with him being out of town for work Deb has to hunt this ghost herself. Even after taking the batteries out of the remote and trying the age old just reboot it trick, while she is watching TV her Blu-ray player keeps popping open. It is 2019, Deb just wants to live like a millennial and watch her ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ and ‘Broad City’ on the “tele” in peace.

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