Deb’s C Of The Week

Alfie and Braidy playing with a branch.

Earlier in the week Deb had to take Braidy to the vet for her first heart warm treatment. Deb has never had to deal with any of her previous dogs having heart warms, but learning the risks through the process have been making her feel a bit uneasy. To cure the heart warms, part of the treatment is basically consuming poison and two months of limited excitement. With Braidy’s past and neglect in the back of Deb’s mind, she just feels like a real jerk especially because Braidy loves to play with Alfie and George. Deb knows the treatment is for the best, but this all dates back to the previous owners, so heart warms are this week’s C Of The Week. 


Braidy just loves to play with Alfie and George!


Cuddles With Braidy And Alfie

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Deb's dogs Braidy and Alfie cuddling.
Deb's dogs Braidy and Alfie sleeping.
Deb's foster dog Braidy laying on her foot on the couch next to Deb's San Antonio Guy.

  • Deb's dogs Braidy and Alfie cuddling.
  • Deb's dogs Braidy and Alfie sleeping.
  • Deb's foster dog Braidy laying on her foot on the couch next to Deb's San Antonio Guy.

Cuddles With Braidy And Alfie



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