Emily Is Losing To A Squirrel

A picture of a squirrel with angry eyebrows and an angry mark on their face. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

As Emily’s chapter with cockroaches in her apartment closes, a new one opens. This time she is being challenged by a different creature, a thieving squirrel! The squirrel recently appeared after she put a bird feeder on her balcony, and the nuisance is beginning to affect her relationship with Lucy (more so than usual, at least). She can’t seem to figure out how to get this furry rat to stay away from her birdseed. If you have any tips on how to get the job done, however that may happen, let us know on Twitter @101xMorningX.



Lost Titanic Voyage
On top of today’s burning question (find it here), we’ve got a bonus! The Titanic touring vessel is still lost, and today we ask of you, is there really anything in the wreckage to see? We’ve got just about everything we can from this thing, and the damn sub doesn’t even have windows! Might as well just look at it through your computer screen at that point, even if it was free (It’s not, by the way).



Beat The Heat, Central Texas!
Nick found a Daily Mail article on how to beat the heat. I don’t know how much I’d trust Britain’s advice on heat, seeing as their society regularly grinds to a halt when faced with the lukewarm task of 90-degree weather, but let’s see what they’ve got.



Who’s Spending Emily’s Money?
Someone stole Emily’s debit card and has been making some insane purchases. If you’ve got any leads, please let us know on Twitter @101xMorningX and- Oh, never mind, she found it. Apparently, she’s the culprit. That’s right, Emily made a bunch of purchases that she forgot about and is now suffering the consequences. Oops!



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