Jason Dick, Tesla Creeper

tesla creepy

In another edition of “Who is the A-Hole” Jason is genuinely unsure. Last week when driving home from his other show, KLBJason realized he was in the turn only lane and needed to get over. He put his blinker on and waited until someone would let him into the right. He could see the woman behind him was clearly irritated that he had waited till the last minute to do this. It took a few seconds and he finally got into the other lane, but when the woman behind him pulled up next to him, she flipped him the bird. Jason said he warmly smiled at her but she would not look at him. Jason took it upon himself to get back in the turn only lane and follow her to see if she would see his warm smile. He followed her to Manor road where eventually she pulled off into the parking lot of 8 Track. Jason thought to himself, “that’s also a bar I enjoy going to” so he pulled in behind her but went the opposite way in the lot. They both parked and sat there for a moment. The lady didn’t get out of her car and Jason decided he should probably leave before she thinks it’s creepy and calls the cops on him. Jason wasn’t sure if she was the A-hole for not making eye contact while flipping the bird or not. But it’s no contest that Jason is definitely the A-Hole in this situation.


Quien Es Mas Macho?

Before we got into this week’s Quien Es Mas Macho we got an update from last week. If you don’t remember, a listener Ricky bought some SXSW badges on craigslist for $1100 total the night before it was canceled. He went to the guy’s house to ask for his money back to which the guy refused and because Ricky caused a ruckus ended up having the cops called on him and going to jail for 2 nights. Fast forward to a week later, apparently, the guy who sold Ricky the passes is a listener of the show and heard his story. He gave Ricky his money back, in addition to dropping the charges and $150 for compensation of having to miss work because he was in jail! Sometimes things do work out in the end!

For this week’s Quien Es Mas Macho, the listener competed in an endurance auto race. On the other hand, Jason had bacon-wrapped scallops, finished watching Fleabag, watched Casino in its entirety, played poker, played golf and finally, drove out to the middle of nowhere to meet his girlfriend’s family. 


Jason and Deb Review Things

In the twenty-eight episode of our series, Jason and Deb review the Silentmode Powermask. Have an idea for something they should review next? Email us at MorningX@krox.com with your suggestions!



Restaurants and bars are closing within the United States due to coronavirus concerns.

In Austin-Travis county there are now 6 positive cases of Coronavirus.

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