Let Me Talk To You About My Fantasy Football Team Guy, Don’t Be That Guy

Screen shot of the Jason and Deb tweet about is people like him talking about Fantasy Football

This guy knows he is annoying, and doesn’t even just talk about his team, but he also talks about other teams. Usually when Jason deems a That Guy he refers to someone else, but today’s That Guy sounds a lot like The Dickman himself.

Jason has a love-hate relationship with fantasy football because of all of the commitments, but overall he is happy it is back in his life. He has already had a fourteen hour slow draft underway, and is planning two drafts this weekend. Of course, not without catching up with his favorite Fantasy Football podcasts though. If you’re counting, Jason has a total of six different fantasy football teams to keep up with, and it is all fun and games now, until someone breaks a leg then the anxiety is back on. He also clarified that you can be that guy, but understand that some people don’t enjoy that. (Do you also sense the irony?) He also apparently did some research, and plans to continue to talk about the draft on-air because he feels like it is good for ratings. Well, That Guy, we did some research ourselves.



Lime Scooter handle bars with a blurred background

Nick took a walk to his neighborhood HEB on a triple digit summer day in Texas, and after his initial journey to the grocery store, he decided to get a scooter for the trip back home. During last week’s show, we discussed how Jason saw the scooters for rent for the first time at the Warped Tour in San Antonio, and since then he’s been seeing them all over. Producer Nick decided to try the scooters out for himself, and he came back with all of the answers for us.

Apparently, the scooters have trackers. He found this out the scooter threatened to call the cops for stealing if he didn’t put it back on the sidewalk before his payment was processed. He also discovered that it works like a toll tag. You load an amount and the app functions like an Uber or Car2Go. Also another pro tip he learned and the answer we have all been waiting for, in the Lime user agreement he discovered there is a three-hundred weight limit and some have a max of two-hundred. Thanks for sharing, Nick.



Today we called DC Medical Supply And Uniforms in Washington, D.C to see if they had any wheel chairs for Deb’s leg. DC Medical Supply was helpful in recommended Deb the perfect wheelchair. They even advised that with the length of Deb’s recovery after surgery that it would be cheaper to buy than rent. D.C Medical Supply was friendly, but not enough for an I Love You Too. At least Deb got a same to you. That counts, right?



Are You Smarter Than Jason Dick

Rotten Tomatoes Game

Does Deb Know Stuff



Would you like to hang with Austin celebrities Jason and Deb, and need an internship for the fall semester? We are looking for new interns on the show! You have to be in school and must receive college credit to be eligible. That’s It! E-mail morningx@krox.com to apply.



Photo Credit: Getty Images 

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