Nick Said Yes to a Bumble Date!

Nick as cupid

You read that right, folks! Our own Nick Hajda took a special lady out on a first date, and it actually went well! Maybe it’s a Valentine’s Day miracle or Nick’s Yes Day has finally starting to work in his favor. Will exploiting the details of this date come back to bite him later on? Who knows! After everything that Jason has put him through, he deserves to brag for once.


Emily’s Lesser-Than Date

There must be something in the air because even Emily went out on a date! Unfortunately, it was a bust. Not that it is a competition (even though Nick likes to think it is), but the whole experience was pretty mediocre. Is it bad to say that Emily doesn’t want to date someone who has never been in a relationship? I mean come on, they should’ve at least bought her a drink.


The Morning X Game Room Podcast

Jason prepared a what Emily is calling an interesting game of Well How Do You Like These Tomatoes? There’s Euphoria talk (of course) plus Jason finally watched White Lotus!


Pushing Jason’s Buttons

Normally it’s Jason who’s the master at pushing buttons, but now, thanks to the internet, you can push his.  OK, so it’s not exactly like the touch screen Jason uses, but it’s still all your favorite drops from the show available whenever you want!

Push Jason’s Buttons Here


You Don’t Need A Radio To Listen To Jason Dick And Friends

Don’t forget, you can listen to us on your smart home assistant box thing (just tell Alexa and Google to play Jason Dick And Friends). You can also stream us online or on your phone, OR just subscribe to our podcast.


This Is Not Good Video

Want to match our soothing voices to our beautiful faces? Every Tuesday/Thursday (ish) we go live on Facebook so you can do so. If you missed out on seeing us live today, watch the recorded version on YouTube. Not as cool but, it’s something!

Watch more of our This Is Not Good Video videos here.


Daily Morale Boosters

Our favorite Euphoria girl Sydney Sweeney is a car woman! Check out her TikTok that is dedicated to refurbishing her vintage cars. She’s perfect.


she’s finally driveable! sending her off to get reupholstered this weekend 🙂 #bronco

♬ Fake – The Tech Thieves


The Oscars are almost here! For once we are on top of our news. Here’s the nominees for Best Picture.


And finally, have fun pre-gaming the Super Bowl with this commercial. What if Alexa could read your mind…? No. Just, no.

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