Nick’s Advice For An Aging Emily

Two pictures side by side of Nick and Emily side hugging. Emily is wearing a happy birthday tiara

Emily is getting older and it sucks. Bad things seem to keep happening in her life and she’s worried that 25 is the worst age you can be. In an act of desperation, she turns to the only person she can (while in the studio), Nick. However, instead of reassuring Emily about the fruits of getting older, Nick takes a slightly more depressing approach. Was 25 a bad year for you or does it just get more terrible the older you get? Let us know on Twitter @101xMorningX and send your aging advice to Emily.


Emily was ditched on Father’s Day

It was Father’s Day yesterday and it seemed like everyone spent time with their dads and gave them gifts; except for Emily. Her dad ditched her for Father’s Day to go on a vacation. It seems neither of her parents likes to celebrate being parents with the one person who qualifies them for the title.


Nick reviews “The Flash”

Despite the excellent quality of most DC projects, The Flash was a miss, and definitely reinforced the fact that DC needs some sort of change. Nick gives his review of this new major motion picture.




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