Help A Teacher Out & Donate To Their Amazon Wish List!

Image provided by shutterstock. ABC blocks on top of books with an apple

There are only a few more weeks until teachers have to put away the bikinis and board shorts and trade their summer lives in for screaming children and grading tests. We want to help you make that back-to-school transition easier! Both Nick and Emily come from a long line of teachers in their families and want to encourage everyone to give back to those educators who are helping to inspire young minds.


If you are a teacher who needs some last-minute school supplies for your classroom or if there’s an educator in your life who always goes above and beyond, let us know!


Submit a teacher’s Amazon Wish List and we will feature them below. Let us know what they teach, where they teach, and why they are the best. If you’re an educator, we encourage you to submit yourself too! You deserve it.


Jason C (nominated by Lesli Brown) – 4th/5th Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello! I will be mentoring a new teacher this year and my request is not for me but for him. He is new and really needs support and to know that people care about him and his success as a teacher. We really need to take care of our teachers so they stay in the profession. We teach because we love kids and love what we do. Any support for my friend and colleague, Jason C. would be most appreciated. Of course, Amazon gift cards are great but I would like to share with him a novel my master teacher taught me to teach with for ELAR called, “Sign of the Beaver,” by Elizabeth George Speare. If he could get a class set of around 25 – 30, that would be a huge benefit for him and his students as they learn about U.S. History and Language Arts.


Brittney Stevens – 1st Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

This is my second year teaching. I have a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood education in Texas. I love teaching first grade and I am excited about this year with my new group of kiddos.


Ariel Franco – Dual Language Teacher – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hi! I’m a second-grade Texas dual language teacher. I am excited and love teaching children how to read! Thank you for any help for my class!


Andrea Salas – Art Oak Hill Elementary – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello! My name is Andrea Salas and I am an Art teacher at Oak Hill Elementary. I hope to continue my journey in teaching kids how to think creatively and to fall in love with Art. The best part is seeing my students get lost in a project they love. Thank you for supporting my art classroom!


Stephanie Yniesta – 2nd Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello! I teach at a Title 1 school in the East side of Austin. I have been teaching for 10 years (in Pre-K), but this is my first year teaching second grade. I would greatly appreciate anything from my wish list to help my class. Here’s to a fun, happy, and wonderful school year!


Deborah Heaton – 4th Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I am new to teaching 4th grade this year, and would appreciate any contributions from this list or books for the kids to read 🙂


Staci Nowakowski-Grimm – 5th Grade Austin ISD – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I am a teacher in AISD and I teach 5th grade. I would love any help with the items on my wishlist because I am always looking for ways to improve my craft of teaching and make learning more engaging. Thank you for looking and considering!


Shannon Messer – Special Education Teacher Oak Hill Elementary  – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hi! I am a special education teacher at Oak Hill Elementary. Any support for my students is appreciated.


Jennifer Roa – 3rd Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello! My name is Jennifer Roa and I am starting my first year in 3rd grade! I have created a list of items that can help build my classroom culture, setup, peace corner, and treasure box. All of your kind donations are greatly appreciated!


Cristina Silbas – Bilingual Kindergarten – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hi! I will be teaching bilingual kindergarten this upcoming school year! I have a little one on the way so I have not had a chance to get much stuff for my class. I will be in a title 1 campus, which means not all kiddos will have the basics of supplies.


Erin Lee – 6th Grade ELA – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

This is my 3rd year teaching ELA. I usually team teach and pull small groups. Now I’m in my room full time, so definitely needing a few extra things. I love getting to work with my students and helping them reach their full potential. Thank you!


Theresa Wood – 2nd Grade Austin ISD – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hi! My name is Mrs. Wood. I am a 2nd Grade teacher in Austin ISD. My students are the ‘Creative Learners’, incorporting Fine Arts – Music, Art, Dance, Drama, and Technology – into learning everyday content. We would love any help we can get obtaining the items on our wishlist!! We will use the items to make claymation videos, bring poetry to life, use dance and music to learn from each other. Thank You! Mrs. Wood’s Creative Learners


Kurt Oian “Mr. O” – Technical Theatre – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

“Stop looking at me Svahn!” We are heading into the 2023-24 school year and I’ll be setting up my scene shop and classroom very soon. This year I have assembled an Amazon wish list of supplies to keep my students engaged with fun hands-on activities. If you have a little money burning a hole in your pocket and are moved to help make some items on list available for the students I would greatly appreciate the help. Mrs. O rolls her eyes and shakes her head every time I spend money on classroom and shop supplies. Even if you are not in a financial position to donate maybe you could share the link to help us out. The list is not critical though any form of assistance would put a smile on a lot of faces! Thank you for reading instead of scrolling past this message. I wish all my family, friends, fellow teachers, and former students success and good health for the 23-24 school year! Thanks again!


Jeanne Wehde – School Counselor Leander ISD – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List 

Hi, I am starting as my first year as a school counselor in Leander ISD. I am thrilled to support my students in developing their social-emotional learning skills.


Shannon Messer – Special Education Oak Hill Elementary – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hi! I’ve been a teacher at Oak Hill Elementary for 9 years. I work with students who struggle with reading, writing and math with all types of disabilities. My school’s an eagles nest for all learners.


Matthew Emanuelson (Mr. E) – Music Teacher Oak Hill Elementary – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

My name is Matthew Emanuelson or Mr. E to my students at Oak Hill Elementary. I’m headed into my fourth year as an elementary music teacher (yes, my first year was Fall 2020 right in the middle of covid). I love getting to show my students how they can be musical in a variety of ways. My favorite part of my job is getting to see a student who didn’t think they could do something and then after putting in some work they realize that they are capable of so much! I’m also a frequent performer around Austin as a vocalist and bassoonist. I feel when you’re in music class you’re getting to practice so many skills that will help young people for the rest of their lives, such as cooperation, respect, work ethic, and perseverance. The supplies on this list will help me to make this the most musical year ever at Oak Hill!

Vera Beall – 2nd Grade Hutto ISD – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello! This is my 18th year in education. I will be teaching 2nd grade on a new campus in a new district (Hutto ISD). My mission is to excite curiosity and leadership in my students. Thank you for viewing our wishlists. I appreciate all you do to support teachers and students.


Elizabeth Massa – 1st Grade Teacher – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hi! My name is Elizabeth Massa and I am starting my 2nd year as a 1st grade teacher on the 14th. A coworker told me to send y’all my Amazon wishlist so here it is! Thank you!!!!


Kristie Malley – 2nd Grade Round Rock ISD – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I am a second grade teacher at RRISD and am bringing back imaginative play and engineering so students can interact and problem-solve together. Many of the items on my wishlist will provide students with these opportunities, as well as learn necessary content skills in a fun and engaging way! Thank you for your support!


Bobby Sandoval – Special Education – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Morning Emily and Nick! I know my wishlist is non-conventional, but my classroom is not your ordinary classroom. I work with students with autism and other neurological/behavioral differences. I work with my students to help them better anticipate and respond to social situations. I help them to figure out how they can best self-regulate their own emotions, so that they’re not less overwhelmed, and better equipped to handle the day at school, at home, or out and about. On my list, you will see many sensory-items, including fidgets, light covers, exercise and movement equipment, etc. I try to accumulate a large library of equipment and tools because I want the students to have opportunities to try different things, so that they can see what works best for them. The more regulated my students are, the more they are ready to learn in their academic classrooms! And thank you so much for doing this! All of use teachers appreciate your help, any help we can get for our students!!!


Chelsea Eason – Reading Interventionist – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello! I’m starting my first year as a reading interventionist! I’ll be working with both students and teachers to achieve goals and meet the needs of all our students. Any help getting my new room running would mean the world! Thank you!


Valeria Ortiz – 4th Grade Dual Language – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello, I’m a 4th grade dual language teacher, This is my first year teaching, and I’m building my classroom from scratch. Anything helps, Thank you for helping teachers!


Sarah Williamson – 2nd Grade Round Rock ISD – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community. We all appreciate it!!


Delana Arme – 3rd Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I will be entering my fourth year of teaching in just a couple weeks, I appreciate any help with extra supplies and making our classroom the best it can be for my upcoming third graders! Thank you so much, and anything helps!!


Henry Soriano – American Sign Language – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I’m an American Sign Language teacher. This is my 5th year in education. I am moving to a new school district and new school. So a fresh start for me. The first lesson in my class is “I love You”. The students may look at me crazy, but I let them know in a world filled with hate I teach love. My classroom is like a family. Families don’t always get along but we will love and respect one another. I also let my students know that my room is a judgment-free zone. There is no room for judging a person for their differences. I love my job. Teaching my students a new language to communicate with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community is so much fun. Sign language is the second most taught and learn language in America. I’m one of those proud teachers who enjoy seeing my students utilize the language. Hearing their stories of communication with the Deaf and their faces lighting up lets me know I have made a difference.


Jean Barnett – High School Art – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hi, I’m starting my 17th year as a high school art educator out in Taylor. I teach art 1, art 3, AP studio art, and run our ceramics program. I love teaching and I come back year after year because my students are just the best and I can’t get enough. They create some of the most fabulous art. Unfortunately, budgets took a major hit this year, so I am using it to buy the needed staples like paint, paper, canvases, clay, glaze, etc. So, the items on my list are things that we need to keep our program running smoothly and will allow my students to continue to become artists. Thanks so much!!!


Andrea Gutierrez – 6th & 7th Social Studies IDEA Burke MS – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

It’s been a rough 3 years as a new teacher. I’m going into my 4th year determined to build long-lasting relationships with our scholars and can’t wait to educate them about history that still impacts their lives today. Teaching them content that will help them make a change and difference in the future!


Amanda Keel – 3rd Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I teach 3rd grade at an elementary school in Austin. I love my students and am so fortunate to get to be their teacher! I know that I have a short time with them, so try to make a big impact on their love of learning in that short amount of time. Please help me share my love of learning and helping them to become the best/kindest little humans that they can be! Thank you for your support.


Elizabeth Donovan – Elementary Art Austin ISD – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hi—my name is Elizabeth and I teach K-5 Art in Austin ISD. My students love coming to art because it’s a space that gives them a lot of freedom, creativity and self expression. They love to draw, paint and sculpt—we go through A LOT of supplies. This year I’m incorporating sketchbooks into our older grade levels. I’m also trying to grow our art-related book collection for our classroom library. Anything off this list helps my students—Thank you for supporting the fine arts!


Bobbi Chock – Middle School Math Liberty Hill ISD – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List 

Hi! I teach Middle School Math at Liberty Hill ISD. Any help with my list would be greatly appreciated!


Carmen Ruiz – 3rd Grade Round Rock ISD – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hey, y’all, I’m Carmen, and I’m teaching 3rd grade again!☺️ I’ve put a list together to help enrich and challenge my students in a personalized way this year! After attending professional development about differentiating instruction, I developed a passion for giving my students what their little brains NEED, which begins with flexible seating! If you can donate anything to give my students the best year possible, WE would appreciate you! I am working on adding materials, so be patient with me!


Tracy Machu – Special Education St. Elmo Elementary – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I’d LOVE some help with my list! I’ll be starting year 19 as a special education teacher at St. Elmo Elementary in AISD! We’re also currently hiring another SpEd teacher if anyone out there is interested in joining our fabulous team! PS- Nick, I’m a Czech from Taylor & my parents & grandparents grew up in Granger. My aunt Rubie used to babysit an Emily Hajda. Small world! 🙂


Shakita Sandoval – AP Computer Science – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

As a passionate 2nd year teacher, I’m grateful to be on this journey to empower our future leaders in AP computer science! Your generous support in purchasing supplies from my Amazon wish list means the world to me and my incredible students. Together we break barriers and bridge gaps believing in “AP for all” and promoting diversity in stem!


Marilyn Romo – 11th Grade IB Biology KIPP – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello! I’m excited to announce that I will be the 11th grade IB Biology teacher for Kipp Uprep High School, where I graduated 😄 It will be my fourth year in education but my first official year since I graduated from A&M San Antonio. Below I’m attaching my Amazon wishlist that includes classroom supplies for my students and I. Even if you can’t help financially, I would appreciate it if you just shared my post 🫶🏽 I’m excited for this new adventure and thank God every day for the blessings he has given me! 🫀💕


Loren Hunter – Middle School Art Pflugerville – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello! I’m a middle school art teacher in Pflugerville. I love that I have the opportunity to teach and share art with all my students every day. In my class, we laugh and have fun together as we learn and use our creative minds! I enjoy teaching and giving kids the chance to try new art styles, sometimes that can be pricey. On my list I have a couple of things we would love to have for projects this year. Thank you for thinking of all us teachers and our needs, we appreciate you!


Rachelle Caviness – PAICE(Lifeskills) Compass Rose Harvest – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Our wish list for our PAICE(lifeskills) Classroom. We are with Compass Rose Harvest in Bastrop. We are starting from scratch and would really appreciate any help we could get for our students.


Hannah Schoenemann – Art Stiles Middle School – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I teach art at Stiles Middle School in Leander!


Heather Fischer – 7th Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hey ya’ll, My name is Heather and I’m a 7th grade math teacher in Houston! I’ve been listening to the Morning X every morning since September of 2009 and you guys got me through college, student teaching, and every day of my teaching career. I’ve been teaching for 5 years now, but I finally feel like I’m hitting my stride and can start implementing more fun in my classroom! Making math fun is TOUGH, but I do my best every day! Love you guys! Thanks for being there for me every morning!


Ms. De Leon (nominated by Cesar Marquez) – 3rd Grade Riley Elementary – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Ms. De Leon teaches 3rd grade at Riley Elementary. She’s a young aspiring teacher who goes above and beyond for her students, she’s caring and always strives to give her students the best education in creative ways, not only is she a great young teacher but she’s also a great friend who always looks out for her friends and is always willing to go out her way to help others.


Kim Alvin – Kindergarten Coding – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

My classroom wish list link is above, hope someone could help me buy stuff for my kindergarten coding class.


Adrienne Eichhorn – 3rd Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I am moving from Pre-K to 3rd grade and would appreciate any donations for my 3rd graders and our classroom!


Diana Harris – Special Needs Teacher – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello! I am a special needs teacher in Texas. I have moved from out of state and need assistance this year with supplies. I appreciate any help that is provided to support my students. Here is my wishlist link. Thank you for all the help!


Allie Bowen – Speech Therapy – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello, I am a Speech Language Pathology Assistant at White Oak ISD in Texas! I am needing help with a few items this year so that it doesn’t all come out of my pocket, your generosity of greatly appreciated!!


Cady Guerrero – 8th Grade Austin Achieve – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello!! I’ve been at Austin Achieve for 3years now, but this is my first year as a full classroom teacher. I teach 8G Algebra in East Austin, and could use a few supplies to help my scholars out. We lost a lot of funds, and I was hoping I’d be able to use my teacher budget to finish buying supplies, but it was also cut. My scholars and I would greatly appreciate any help!


Holly Latiolais – English ESL – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello my name is Holly Latiolais! I am going into my 4th year teaching, I teach ESL (English as a supplemental language). I teach in an area where access to necessities for the students I teach are extremely limited, hence, most students are living in poverty and rely on our school for much more than an education so anything donated towards my class will surely have a great impact on my classroom and students lives. I have attached a list which are all wonderful tools necessary for a engaging, innovative, cozy, and welcoming environment for my classroom. Thank you for any help you can provide. My students are I are so appreciative 💚


Kelsey Baird – Elementary Special Education – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I’m going into my 11th year as an elementary special education teacher! A lot of my supplies go to my students and also other teachers and students who need some extra support throughout the year. Any help would be appreciated!


Drew Dryer – 1st Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I am so blessed be a teacher to amazing 1st graders👩‍🏫I am going into my 9th year teaching! I want to make students enjoy learning and desire to come to school EVERYDAY. Thank you for checking out my list and others!❤️It’s going to be a fantastic school year!


Cristina Padron (nominated by Armando Padron) – Pre-K KIPP – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello, My name is Armando, and I’m nominating my sister Cristina Padron and attaching her wishlist below. She graduated with a degree in social work from Texas State but later became a teacher assistant. She was promoted to a PreK teacher at Kipp this year and it will be her first year as a teacher. She recently just got married and bought a new house, so any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


Meghan Matthews – History – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Please help supply my classroom with much-needed books!


Marissa Hernandez – 3rd Grade Del Valle HS – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello, Reaching out to submit my classroom wish list. I’m an English teacher at Del Valle HS. This will be my 3rd year teaching, but my first year teaching a classroom with 60+ students. I’m hoping to get most of my list cleared out so that I can be as prepared as possible. Thank you for your consideration.


Karli Bumpas – 6th-8th Grade Theatre – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

I teach 6-8th grade theatre and this year 6th grade moved to another building so I’ve had to supply a whole new classroom worth of decor and supplies to give my students the ability to be creative as possible! I love teaching and I love letting my students get in touch with their artistic side!


Krissy Fossmeyer – Preschool – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hi! My name is Krissy and I am the art coordinator and Program Assistant for a nonprofit preschool in Illinois. I am in the process of planning art projects and fundraising for the year. We have a VERY small budget for art, so any assistance is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your consideration!


Sara Hall – 7th Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Thank you so much for helping teachers like me. I’ll be teaching 7th grade this year c:


Kendria Brown – 4th Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Fourth-grade teacher in Missouri!


Donna Smith – Kindergarten – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Hello! My name is Donna and I teach kindergarten in a Title 1 school. Many of my students struggle to provide supplies and often lack experiences. They are the best kids and deserve the world! I give them all that I can, but with 2 children of my own that have health issues, I can’t meet all their needs. Thank you for supporting educators!


Haley Youngberg – 3rd Grade – Click HERE and donate to their Amazon Wish List

Thank you so much for this opportunity, anything helps!!


Teachers, Send Us Your Amazon Wishlist!

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