Last night Deb went out to dinner, and left Blue and her new cat George behind for the first time. Deb usually has to leave the door open for Blue to run out in case he gets anxious when she leaves, but since George was in the house she decided to leave everything closed. Usually if Blue really needs to get out, he opens the window for a little fresh air.
When Deb got back from dinner she just saw George outside in the front yard near the window all by himself, and his big brother Blue was sound asleep on the sofa. Deb thought this must have been a cute prank Blue pulled on George where they made a plan, but he reneged on his baby bro for some alone time on the couch. Thank goodness George didn’t wander any further. Deb learned her lesson that big bro Blue does not count as adult supervision.
Curious to see how Blue and George are getting along? Check out this cute video from Deb’s Instagram. Looks like they are becoming the best of buds.
Deb’s long-time friend came into town to visit and wants Deb to find love and get married… not all in one weekend of course. Deb told him about Bumble’s visit to the studio on Friday, so as a close friend she let him do some swiping. (Hopefully Alex the Bumble expert would approve.) Within a couple minutes of taking over her dating app profiles, Deb’s friend immediately found the problem was with the guys she was matching with.
After experimenting with Bumble, Deb’s friend matched with a couple of guys and she even let him start a conversation if there was any potential. Her only requirement was that he at least tried to sound like her, and depending on the conversation she would possibly go on a date. Well, Deb’s friend was a hit with the men on Bumble and all he had to do was open the conversation with “What’s up dude, want to do happy hour one day?” Looks like this might actually work, dude.
On Friday’s show, we had Bumble in studio to spruce up Jason and Deb’s Bumble profiles and amongst other tweaks mostly directed to Jason, she recommended they go through the process to get verified. Well, Deb got verified no problem, but Jason failed. At least there is still some hope for Deb.
View this post on InstagramLook @williamson! I’ll be Bumble verified soon.
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Last week, Deb was telling Jason about the H-E-B two beers and a pizza deal, and Jason shared his story about how he got busted for walking around the grocery store with an open beer outside of its designated area.
Yesterday, Jason went for a quick store run, and noticed there were people Sunday Funday-ing at H-E-B. He even noticed there were people getting pretty out of line and there was live music, a stage, restaurant and $1.50 mimosas. Deb said she has been to H-E-B to eat at the restaurant and not to buy groceries, but it was specifically at the hip Mueller location. It’s technically not a DQA, but Jason wants to know; do people really party at H-E-B?
Today we called Basics Plus in New York, NY to see if they had any tools for Deb to help her friend fix a broken wine rack. Basics Plus only had the hammer and nails for Deb, but they didn’t know if they had a leveler handy. Well, Basic Plus didn’t even tell Deb goodbye, nor did they say I love you too.
Every Monday we test Jason’s manliness by comparing his weekend to a listener’s. Today’s listener was Sashan, and on Friday he went to dirty sixth for some drinking and bar hopping, smoked some lamb and brisket Saturday and saved a kid’s life from rapids while tubing in San Marcos on Sunday.
Jason was confident he would win, over the weekend he hung out with a lady friend and played poker until after 4am, hung out with his friend again and broke a bottle of wine at a house warming party (He also added he was not that intoxicated), and finished off the weekend with sushi at Komé, still with said lady friend.
Although it was impressive Jason’s friend from out of town sill wanted to spend the rest of the weekend with him after being stuck playing poker all night on Friday, saving kids are cool, and a listener called in which made her the ultimate decider. Sashan took the win.
Are You Smarter Than Jason Dick
Does Deb Know Stuff?