If you had a million dollars to burn, how would you spend it? Most people would be inclined to say something like “a vacation house,” or “an antique car collection,” or “divorcing my wife.” But for one lucky buyer, the answer is: a dildo. Yes, you read that right. With the hefty price tag of $1 million, the Pearl Royale vibrator is an expensive way to get off– and that’s the point, according to Colin Burn, the Australian jeweler who’s responsible for creating the toy.
This morning, Jason asked the question, “would it hurt to use this diamond encrusted object on say a ‘backache’ or in Deb’s case an injured elbow?” Nope! According to Burn, users won’t get hurt because the diamonds are “flush-set.”
It took Burn over 15 years to acquire the funds and materials necessary for creating the Pearl Royale, which sports 2,000 diamonds, as well as some royal blue sapphires and “very rare” pink diamonds. 15 years is a long time to devote to a single dildo, so he made sure to keep himself occupied by doing some more practical things, like creating a gold egg vibrator, a white-gold dildo, and a gold-handled whip made of human hair. You know, just your run of the mill, Back-Wall-of-Spencer’s type sex toys.
The artist says his inspiration was to create something that “shows the value people place on sex.” In an interview with the New York Post, he begs the question: “[People] spend lots of money for the experiences of owning Maseratis and the like. But would they pay for this?” Since nobody has yet had the heart to tell him that Christian Grey is a fictional character and not, in fact, an actual person, he thinks so. Do you?
Listen to the conversation from this morning.
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