The Return of Son of A Preacher Man!

Alex with Baby Imogen

Former Producer Alex joined us in the studio today, not forever, just for a visit. He also brought his brand new baby! Little baby Imogen is only 4 months old and very cute, yet very expensive according to Alex. Alex says life is very different, for example, he can’t go to a movie on a whim anymore. If he wants to he has to ditch his wife at home with Imogen or they have to find a babysitter. Alex says that baby Imogen is a mutant, but she hasn’t discovered her powers yet. Alex has put posters of Batman in her nursery with hopes she’ll develop some superhero powers. She’s such a great little baby and even demonstrated her baby noises on air. It sounds a little like Alfie’s noises when he’s jealous of Braidy. Alex also says one of the best things so far is being able to call a 2-month-old a bitch to her face. He’s kidding obviously, but still hilarious! In the spirit of Alex being back in the studio we’re recording an NSFW bonus podcast, stay tuned for it with special guests Emily, Alex, and Baby Imogen! 

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