We Love You Cassandra!

jason staring at old producer cassandra's shirt that says like a virgin on it.

Big news! We’re now live on your radio all the way until noon.  You can still get us on your smart home assistant listening box thing (just tell Alexa and Google to play Jason and Deb). Or you can just download the 101X app on your phone and stream us from there!  And there’s always the good old podcast.


Nude Vacuuming

Deb had a very busy weekend vacuuming her house.  It seems like a simple enough chore, but when you’ve got as many animals roaming around as she does, there’s a lot of pet hair to take care of.  Apparently such vigorous vacuuming quite a bit of heat, and the best way to counter it is for Deb to strip down to her undies while she does it.  All told, she had to empty her vacuum’s dust chamber FOUR times before she was finished.  But as a treat for knocking out her chores, Deb decided to treat herself a bit and put a fresh coat of paint on her finger and toe nails.  So now she’s got a clean house and some robin’s egg blue nails.


Why Jason Thought He Broke His House

Jason also had an eventful weekend.  For a brief moment he thought he broke his house, when he discovered none of the outlets worked in his garage.  Which is not ideal when you need to plug in your Tesla to charge.  He first tried flipping his breakers, to no avail, and then did what he always does when things go wrong… he called his mommy.  Luckily Mama Dick usually is able to come through for him, and she knew he had the kind of plugs that need to be reset at the actual outlet.  Seems ironic that Jason would fail at properly pushing someone’s buttons, but in the end he figured it out and now all is well on Affluence Hill.


We Love You Cassandra

As a sign of the times, we’ve pivoted the I Love You Call from calling random business to calling your loved ones who might need an extra boost in these trying times.  Today we checked in with our former producer Cassandra, aka Sorority Intern.  Last week we found out she was getting tested for coronavirus, and we wanted to check in to see if she had received her test results. Unfortunately the labs in Houston are backed up and she’s still waiting for her results.  In the meantime she’s sequestered herself in her room and has her mom drop off meals outside her door. So fingers crossed she will be able to kick coronavirus’s butt and we’ll keep you guys updated.  If you’ve got someone you think needs some extra love these days, let us know!


You can listen to more I Love You Calls from Deb here.


Daily Morale Boosters

Why not start your week off with some dogs on trampolines.



Nope, nothing creepy about deepfakes at all.



Speaking of cleaning without clothes on.


This Is Not Good Video

Check out all of our This Is Not Good Video videos.


Help Us Find A Forever Home For Braidy

Unfortunately Deb is having to re-home her dog Braidy.  Click through for details and pics of sweet Braidy, but let us know if you or someone you know can help.



Since donations of food from grocery stores and manufactures are way down, the Central Texas Food Bank is having to purchase way more food than usual.


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