Big news! Next week we’re back to our normal 6-10am schedule. You can still get us on your smart home assistant listening box thing (just tell Alexa and Google to play Jason and Deb). Or you can just download the 101X app on your phone and stream us from there! And if that’s too early for you, there’s always the good old podcast for you to catch up on your daily allotment of Jason and Deb!
Jason Wants To Buzz His Hair
In today’s #TBTwJnD we posted some selected images from when we used take a daily picture of Jason’s hair. Currently he wants to buzz it all off, but his Bumblina would rather he kept his luscious locks. And while normally the Dickman would just do whatever he wants, he’s currently respecting her wishes. You know what they say Jason, happy Bumblina, happy life-alina. Or something like that.
We Love You Chuck
As a sign of the times, we’ve pivoted the I Love You Call from calling random business to calling your loved ones who might need an extra boost in these trying times. Recently Jason has been complaining that his beard is too loose now that he’s lost a ton of weight. So we decided to call our resident metal god, Chuck Loesch, who has experience in both losing weight and growing glorious beards, for help. If you’ve got someone you think needs some extra love these days, let us know!
You can listen to more I Love You Calls from Deb here.
Producer Nick’s New Shirt
Check out the new shirt Producer Nick made to show his support for Black Lives Matter. If you don’t get the references, it’s a combination of the handshake scene from Predator and a quote from The Legend of Zelda.
Daily Morale Boosters
Our afternoon jock CJ Morgan made a video of him reading mean tweets. You can find him @TheCJMorgan if you want to give him more material.
Here’s your first look at the new Muppets show coming to Disney+
It does exist.
This Is Not Good Video
Is Jason’s studio camera a liar? Check yesterday’s That Guy and tell us what you think.
Check out all of our This Is Not Good Video videos.
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