Narrow Head & Glare lead wave of Texas Rock Bands

Die Spitz ACL

Be On The Lookout for These Upcoming Texas Rock Bands:

Dive into the electrifying sounds coming from the heart of Texas! Brace yourself for a musical revolution as bands like Glare, Bleed, Audiobaton, Kraus, Trauma Ray, Nuclear Daisies, Trembler, Teethe, and Bedlocked redefine the shoegaze and grunge scene.
Experience the captivating allure of their distorted, hazy, and dreamy vibes that transcend boundaries for music for all ages. Mark your calendars for the opportunity to experience the live performances by Glare and Teethe at SXSW 2024!
If you’re in the Central Texas area you won’t wanna miss shows from Die Spitz, Farmers Wife, and sleep well.

Find these bands on Streaming:

Narrow Head’s – Spotify 
Glare’s – Spotify 
Bleed’s – Spotify 
Phonefoot’s – Spotify 
Kraus’ – Spotify 
Teethe’s – Spotify
Audiobaton’s – Spotify
Trauma Ray’s – Spotify
Bedlocked’s – Spotify
Nuclear Daisies – Spotify
Die Spitz – Spotify
Farmers Wife – Spotify

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