12 Ways to Handle the Worst People at Your Office

It’s not easy dealing with people at work.

There’s the DeVry educated middle manager who is always on your ass because he’s trying to prove something to his dad (who is the head of sales). There’s the always-overly-happy office lady who organizes the alcohol free get togethers and starts wearing Christmas Sweaters around October 15h. What about the slightly racists water cooler comedian who always spoils Walking Dead (though he doesn’t watch the show, just reads up on Wikipedia).

Imagine you’ve ran that gauntlet on the way to your first cup of coffee – only to discover the pot is FREAKING EMPTY.

Fine. Whatever.

You make a new one (as you always do) only to discover the special almond milk creamer you bought (so you don’t get bloaty) has been left out over the weekend. Philistines!

Calm down. Deep breath.

Rather than being combative, crying to HR, or going crazy… get passive! Passive aggressive that is 

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Here are some notes I posted around the office that helped correct the annoying behavior of a few co-workers. 

People who do not Make Coffee

The IT Guy

Fridge Thieves 

Enemies of the Globe

Dale Dudley and Anyone Who Does Not Wash After Peeing

People Who Turn the Cold Water to Warm

Whoever Took My Spot


The Guy Who Won’t Wear Headphones

My Boss


CJ Morgan

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