Welcome to the Morning X!

jason dick

The Jason and Deb Show is know the Morning X!

Jason Dick has been a part of your mornings in Austin for over a decade. In addition to the hosts and guests, the show is famous for prank calls, Quien Es Mas Macho, and taking sexy Internet photos.

The show has won multiple awards from the Austin Chronicle, the Statesman, and the Alliance for Women in Media but most importantly – Jason once placed second in the station’s fantasy football league.

Nick has been producer and number one friend for nearly a decade. He also plays in the fantasy league and once saved a turtle from certain doom.

Tune in every morning starting at 6a and follow us on social media for more!


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What: Amplify Austin Day When: March 5-6, 6pm to 6pm Where: Donate online at AmplifyATX.org  As a proud sponsor of Amplify Austin Day, Oasis at Lake Travis is supporting