Weekend Warrior – Emily’s Adventures Back into Humanity

Emily and friends drinking at Cheer Up Charlies

I like to have eventful weekends but thanks to a global pandemic that you might have heard about, I haven’t had the opportunity to spread my 23-year-old wings much further. Thanks to my youth, I still have the physical and mental capacity to enjoy crowded parties and have yet to be taken aback by sweaty bar-goers. Were the primetime of my early 20’s taken away from me all thanks to Ms. Rona? Can I reteach myself on how to successfully slam down drinks while playing “Thunderstruck” with a group of rowdy pre-gamers? Do I remember the proper techniques on how to turn down creepy club people on the dancefloor? Find out on this episode of Weekend Warrier!

Zilker park on the one nice day of the week

Funny enough, I wanted to start my weekend on a healthy foot. When there are 30 minutes of sunshine during a MONTH’S WORTH OF RAIN (Don’t be that guy, Nick… we don’t need the rain anymore) you are required to take the opportunity to picnic with your pals on Zilker. It is the Austin truth. Unfortunately, my pasty fragile skin burned in the first 15 minutes. DAMN YOU NATURE!

Emily's shoulder sunburn

So guess what, after that, I went out TWICE in one weekend. Wild, I know. After two 4 am escapades and many charges to my credit card, I am hurting this Monday morning despite the Sunday buffer. Not sure if you have heard, but many of my favorite bars are back including Cheer Up Charlies!

Met up with some friends after pregaming to eat some pre-drunk vegan food (only in Austin, I know) before buying fruity drinks and wondering inside. Like every other woman in 2021, I LOVE drag shows. Friday night was a night full of drag and wonder at Cheer Ups and man was I happy. The only problem was, if there is a performer dancing then it is probably not the best idea to try to throw some ass myself. I get it, they need to make their tips and I knew that I couldn’t steal all of their thunder.

Emily and her friend after a night out

Next was clubbing at Barbarellas. There’s not much to say besides the fact that I saw WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE FROM MY PAST THERE. I talked about it a bit this morning so check it out in the podcast. Intoxication + socialization with people whom I haven’t addressed their existence of in over a year = weird times. The photo on the left is not one of those people. Just a post-night drunken selfie.

And if you thought that was over, oh no. One 4 am adventure was not enough for dear young Emily. Saturday was great because I slept in and made Crown Apple Moscow Mules (Tennessee??) for the first time. Just #adultthings.

Emily's fancy adult Moscow Mule

Hit the gay bars on 4th, the trashy gross junk on 6th just for the hell of it, and ended the night at dear old Barbarellas again. Damn, they never disappoint. That cover is worth it. Danced with sweaty people who tried to tell me that they make 6 figures working “sales” and bought actually fairly priced drinks??? All good things. All I know is that waking up and going to work at 5am this morning feels like a mistake.

Now, what was the point of this blog? I am not sure. Maybe to brag about my fun weekend in front of Jason and Nick? Do I think anyone cares? No. But who doesn’t love relatable 23-year-old content???

Emily and another friend making the same face




If you want more life content, follow me on Instagram for more dumb stories of mine or to see me make the same face in every photo.

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